Belonging, Memory, and the Institutions That Shape Us

A Place to Belong

For years, Taylors TownSquare has been working to build something bigger than just events or initiatives. At our core, we’ve been shaping an idea: that Taylors is a place to belong.

But what does that mean? What makes a place more than just a collection of roads, houses, and businesses? What holds a community together beyond the shifting trends of the moment?

The answer, in large part, is two-fold: people and institutions—the groups, organizations, and traditions that structure our lives and connect us to something bigger than ourselves.

For most of our existence, we’ve acknowledged that institutions are essential, but our mission and vision language has only focused on the people side. We’re making some changes to address that, but before we get there, we want to answer a fundamental question:

Who Cares About Institutions, Anyway?

Institutions can seem distant—slow to change, tangled in bureaucracy. But they are more than systems. They are the fabric of our community, providing stability, connection, and meaning.

When we talk about institutions, we don’t just mean government agencies or large organizations. We mean the churches, schools, businesses, civic groups, and traditions that structure our lives. They exist because people commit to something that lasts beyond them.

The Taylors Mill area began as the Southern Bleachery and Piedmont Print Works—once a powerhouse employer. That era has passed, but the structure, legacy, and community remain. Today, it’s still a hub of work, creativity, and connection, proving that institutions don’t disappear; they evolve.

That’s the power of institutions. They carry memory. They shape character. They provide continuity in a world that is constantly shifting.

Institutions Need People

But institutions don’t exist on their own. They need people.

Institutions aren’t always viewed favorably—often seen as relics of the past, slow and disconnected. And yes, they can fail—becoming lifeless, self-serving, or resistant to change.

But that’s precisely why we need to reinvest in them rather than abandon them. Institutions don’t thrive on their own. They need people who care, people who step in, people who see their value and work to make them stronger.

Weaving the Fabric of Community

At Taylors TownSquare, that’s the work we’re committed to—connecting people to each other, people to institutions, and institutions to one another.

We believe a strong community isn’t just a collection of individuals pursuing their own goals. It’s a network of relationships—shared traditions, shared places, and shared commitments. This inheritance is particular to our community and should be preserved and passed on.

That’s why our updated mission focuses on building bridges—connections between people and places. At Taylors TownSquare, we build bridges to make Taylors a place of belonging by creating shared context, fostering intentional collaboration, and leading impactful action.

That mission gets worked out across three key dimensions:

  • Individual to Individual – Creating opportunities for residents to meet, form relationships, and build a deeper sense of belonging.

  • Individual to Institution – Connecting people to churches, businesses, and community organizations that align with their interests and needs.

  • Institution to Institution – Strengthening collaboration between community groups, businesses, and organizations to create a more unified and resilient Taylors.

As we continue to work through each of our programs, this renewed mission will help us focus our efforts more effectively.

  • Through our work at the Chick Springs site, we aim to connect the people who live in our area today to the history that shaped this place, preserving it as a landmark for future generations. This site serves as a lens, focusing the backstories of many different individuals and providing a common point of reference for everyone to latch onto.

  • The Business Association focuses on bringing together entrepreneurs, community leaders, and others to connect with one another, helping to forge new ties and strengthen existing relationships between individuals and organizations in our community.

  • Our Communications efforts help create a shared understanding for those in our community by providing context for our community’s culture, history, and current happenings

This mission isn’t just aspirational—it’s already at work through specific programs that strengthen these connections. But institutions don’t just need preservation; they need leaders who will shape them for the future.

Investing in People, Strengthening Institutions

Beyond the scope of our existing programs, there’s more we want to do to shape individuals and institutions in the Taylors community.

Institutions don’t just shape communities—they shape people. They provide structure, transmit wisdom, and create opportunities for individuals to step into meaningful roles. But in order for institutions to thrive, they need leaders who are equipped to sustain them and make them better.

At Taylors TownSquare, we believe our community’s strength depends on the next generation of leaders—thoughtful, engaged, and ready to build something that lasts. That’s why we’re investing in the people who will shape Taylors’ future.

This fall, we are launching The Taylors Fellowship, an 8-month engagement designed to bring people together intellectually and socially around key ideas essential for building better leaders in our community.

Through monthly discussions, participants will explore topics like social capital, urban planning, media influence, and community development—applying insights in tangible ways to strengthen Taylors.

What to Expect from the Taylors Fellowship:

An 8-month journey (August – April) with monthly meetings.
A curated reading list featuring books that explore how communities thrive.
Deep discussions and practical applications for community leadership.
Guest speakers and facilitators to challenge and inspire us.
A network of engaged leaders who are committed to making Taylors a stronger, more connected place.

This isn’t just about reading books. It’s about equipping people to build the kinds of institutions that make a community truly strong. It’s about developing leaders who understand the importance of belonging, memory, and the shared commitments that shape a place over time.

If you’re ready to help shape Taylors’ future—not just as a resident, but as a leader—this is your opportunity.

What’s Next?

We will share more details soon about how to apply for the first cohort of the Taylors Fellowship.

For now, we need your financial support. We need individuals who are willing to partner with us monthly to provide the funds necessary to support these programs.

Let’s build something lasting together. Make a contribution today.


Turning the Wheel of Time: Suber’s Corn Mill


A Spin Through Time: Roller Sports on Taylors’ Main Street