So, plot twist: there is no city of Taylors; Taylors is the historical name of the area. Taylors has also become the name of the census-designated place, and most widely, the United States Postal Service adopted Taylors as the “city” name for the 29687 zip code.
So, you see Taylors as your address because you’re in the 29687 zip code. That zip code contains addresses in many different areas much broader than the historical meaning of Taylors. Some addresses in that zip code are actually in the City of Greer (the Target Shopping Center on Wade Hampton Boulevard is an example of this, as it’s even called Target Greer Store, but its address is 6025 Wade Hampton Blvd, Taylors, SC 29687).
For most property in Taylors, the County of Greenville dictates your land use and zoning. For others, your property is in the City of Greer.
You can figure out what governmental jurisdiction your property is in and what your property is zoned using the Greenville County GIS Advanced Internet Mapping System here: https://www.gcgis.org/
You can type in your address using the search function, which will display lots of information about your property. You can click the Community Information link to see zoning information and if you are in a city.
Most of Taylors is under the jurisdiction of Greenville County, while some places do fall in the City of Greer.
You can use this Greenville County tool to see who represents you by entering your address: https://www.gcgis.org/apps/voterinfo/
The Taylors area is generally represented by Greenville County Council Districts 20, 18, and 17. You can find more information about Greenville County Council here: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/Council/
You can find information about voting, elections, and candidates in Taylors, South Carolina on the Greenville County website here: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/VoterRegistration/
The first thing to figure out is if your road is a State Road or a Local Road. One easy way is to use the SCDOT Street Finder tool, which will tell you whether a road is a State Road or a Local Road: https://ris.scdot.org/RoadwayInformationStreetFinder.aspx?county=23
If your road is a State road, you can find more information about contacting SCDOT here: https://www.scdot.org/business/maintenance.aspx
If your road is a local road, you can find more information about the Greenville County Public Works Department here: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/PublicWorks/Eng.aspx
You can find out more about taxes from Greenville County Real Property Services here: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/RealProperty/
You can find more information on the Greenville County Code Enforcement website: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/CodeEnforcement/Default.aspx.
Try Greenville County’s Answer Book! It has tons of answers to common questions: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/HowDoI.aspx
The Greenville County Human Relations Commission has lots of great resources for home buyer education, rental assistance, mortgage assistance, and more. Find out more about them on their website: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/humanrelations/
Greenville County provides seven (7) Residential Waste and Recycling Centers which are located throughout the county to provide convenient self-disposal drop off stations for the County's residents. Find out more here: https://www.greenvillecounty.org/solidwaste/residentialwaste.aspx